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青木 優 プロフィール

★<あおき・ゆう> 1966年、島根県雲南市(旧・大原郡)生まれ。


★現在の主な執筆誌は「テレビブロス」「音楽と人」「WHAT’S IN?」「MARQUEE」「東京カレンダー」「オリジナルコンフィデンス」などなど。webでもちょこちょこ仕事してます。


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 トラックバック ☆ どうぞ
矢沢永吉I / 娘、本名で再出発  2010年03月15日(Mon)



そういえばこないだ、一青 窈ちゃんに

冬めく / 花のあと (初回生産限定盤)

冬めく / 花のあと (初回生産限定盤)

  • アーティスト: 一青窈
  • 出版社/メーカー: フォーライフミュージックエンタテインメント
  • 発売日: 2010/02/24



  • アーティスト: 一青 窈
  • 出版社/メーカー: フォーライフ ミュージックエンタテイメント
  • 発売日: 2010/04/21





  • アーティスト: 神聖かまってちゃん
  • 出版社/メーカー: バウンディ
  • 発売日: 2010/03/10


音楽と人 2010年 04月号 [雑誌]

音楽と人 2010年 04月号 [雑誌]

  • 出版社/メーカー: USEN
  • 発売日: 2010/03/05



Posted by 青木 優 at 06:31 | この記事のURL | | コメント(84)
Is Laser Tattoo Removal Painful? Ultimately, our Chicago studio will tell anyone that pain is dependent upon the individual. We know that having a tiny needle poke you thousands of times to achieve decorative skin is painful. We also know that laser tattoo removal is not painless. However, we can tell you that most people say that getting a tattoo hurts much worse than having laser treatments done. There is a difference in pain between the getting a tattoo and having one removed. When you get a tattoo, it typically does not take more than two sessions to complete a piece assuming you outline it in black to start and come back to get it filled in with color. On the other hand, laser ink removal procedures include multiple treatments where the pain will be the same unless you begin to build your tolerance for the pain between sessions. Most often, the removal of tattoos is compared to someone snapping your skin with a rubber band over and over. This sensation is due to the ink removal laser using its light to burn at the skin and remove the ink. One the plus side, laser tattoo removal take seconds in each section as opposed to the several hours it takes to have ink put on. Our studio in Oak Brook would love to be able to tell you that tattoo removal methods are painless, however there are many different factors that come into play like the size of the tattoo, the location of the tattoo, the colors used in the tattoo, etc. Fortunately and unfortunately, everyone has a different levels for tolerating pain. We would like to comfort you by telling you that similar to getting a piercing, the part being pierced hurts for a second. This is also true for laser tattoo removal. The short bursts of laser light remove the ink by burning the skin and a quick and rapid rate. Not only that, but if you choose ERASE for ink removal, we can offer our patients the R20 removal procedure which packs as many as four treatments into one session. If you have any questions about ERASE's procedures, please contact us today! ERASE is a laser tattoo removal studio in Chicagoland specializing in the R20 laser removal procedure. Chicago Laser Tattoo Removal
Posted by ニューバランス 996 at 2014年09月12日 02:47

Why Should You Get A Tattoo Designer? These days tattoos are extremely popular both among men and women. Out of every four people, you're sure to find at least one with a tattoo. After all, tattoos are a way of expressing oneself. The flip side of this is that while some people just love tattoos, there are those who hate the idea of being inked. Sometimes, tattoo lovers regret having a tattoo inked on their body, particularly if the design does not match their likes and tastes. Although it is possible to remove a tattoo, the procedure is quite expensive and very painful. So, one should carefully choose a tattoo design or find a good tattoo designer. Don't choose a tattoo design on the basis of its cost, but spend as much time as you need to select a design and let the designer know your preferences and tastes. If you wish to choose an expert designer, be prepared to shell out a huge sum of money, since such designers come up with the best ideas. If you work with designers who charge comparatively lesser amount, you may end up with a low quality tattoo design or something that you never wanted. The prices of tattoo designs vary according to the skill of the artist. The best design may cost you a lot of money, but remember that since you're going to live with it forever, it's worth it. You will find that the best designers are usually flexible and willing to create any design conforming to any style, whether a symbol, letter or a portrait. They have a huge collection of good designs that they have inked on the skin of their clients. If you look closely at the results, you will find bright colors used and results fully achieved. Conceptualizing a design comprises of two things, one, the process of designing and secondly, the process of executing it. It can be a very arduous task to zero in on your preferred design, considering the huge collection of best quality work by tattoo designers. You must do some research before speaking to a designer. Look at books and magazines and go online to find zillions of unique designs at the click of a mouse. The moment you feel you have a good idea, put it down on paper and discuss it with your designer. While selecting a design, you will come across several designs that you may want to blend into your original custom tattoo design. Allow for as many revisions as your designer may call for, which will depend on your preferences and skin texture, and the techniques that the tattooist uses. If you participate in an online tattoo contest, you will find the best designers with the newest ideas. Just post your ideas there and ask participating tattooists to come up with their designs. You benefit by this because the unique designs you get here are at a very low price; in fact, often at half the price. Kristen Dunn is a tattoo enthusiast and professional tattoo designer who has created thousands of thought provoking, elegant, and funky tattoos for her clients. She has a vast collection of custom designs to her credit. Winner of several awards and accolades, Kristen is now a founding member of the world's largest custom tattoo design community at CreateMyTattoo. View her tattoo collection or read more on her blog here.
Posted by アディダス カントリー 復刻 at 2014年09月08日 21:00

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Tattoo Removal Options Stuck with that unsightly tattoo which you regretted the day after it had been done? A tattoo can be a statement of loyalty or love, an image a person chooses to portray, or an expression of freedom and self. It can be a mark willingly acquired and proudly worn, before the person concerned becomes tired of it, or realises it no longer reflects their personality. Whatever the case, when the individual changes, their tattoo doesn't change with them. Fortunately, nowdays you no longer have to be stuck with your unloved ink. With the many advances in dermatology, and cosmetic sciences, there are safe and effective ways to rid yourself of unwanted tattoos with minimal or no scarring once and for all. Tattoo removal options such as dermabrasion, IPL, carbondioxide laser and surgery are used, but currently one of the most popular methods of removal is the QSwitched yag solidstate laser. Trust The Work Of A Professional A professional laser technician holds the laser over the pigmented skin, and the concentrated laser light penetrates through to the lower layers of the dermis, targeting the tattoo ink. The ink pigment absorbs the energy from the laser and breaks down as a result of being released from its seal. Each laser treatment session slowly releases additional pigment trapped in the skin, allowing the tattoo to fade without scarring. This gradual release allows the body's natural defense mechanisms to rid the skin of the remainder of the ink. These laser treatments are unobtrusive, though a person may experience some discomfort during the session. Sorry to say that in this case, you do need to suffer ever so slightly for the sake of beauty or smooth, tattoofree skin. A topical local anesthetic gel is applied prior to the treatment, dulling any pain and ensuring the patient is comfortable and as relaxed as possible. Additional Types Of Tattoo Removal Other forms of tattoo removal include some more intrusive methods such as surgical excision and dermabrasion. During excision a surgeon removes the tattooed skin and either stitches it up, or creates a skin graft on the area. Dermabrasion involves the intensive, deep exfoliation of the tattooed area, by a dermatologist. Another method of tattoo removal used today, is that of IPL, or intense pulsed light. Although popular, there appears to be a higher risk of scarring and pigmentation during these procedures. The least effective methods of tattoo removal, are the use of creams and solutions which are applied to the tattoo in the hopes of fading the mark. Although dermatologists are always wary to claim a tattoo can be completely removed without scarring or pigmentation, the laser seems to be the most reliable, and least painful method of removal. Your consultant will meet with you to discuss your individual case, the number of laser treatments required and the costs involved in the treatment. This article was brought to you by Adelaide's Brighton Beauty Medispa. If you would to know more about our tattoo removal options please kindly contact us and we will give you the best solution available. Please visit brightonbeautymedispam.au for details.
Posted by ニューバランス 人気 at 2014年08月20日 00:16

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